Are you finding it difficult to convenience your senior management about adopting sustainability assessment within your organization?
Adopting sustainability can potentially address following problems:
- It may let you gain business from the public sector, as most governments have added sustainability criteria into purchasing decisions.
- You may be able to become supplier or win business from a large company, as 97% of the procurement organizations surveyed consider sustainability/CSR important for procurement decision. https://www.hec.edu/en/news-room/state-sustainable-procurement-latest-ecovadis/hec-paris-barometer-released
- You may have an upper hand in competing with other suppliers. US Dodd-Frank Act, UK Modern Slavery Act and EU Conflict Mineral Regulation are driving companies to assess their supplier’s sustainability credentials.
- You should be able to attract more consumers. As per Forbes – 88% of the consumers want companies to help them make a difference. https://www.forbes.com/sites/solitairetownsend/2018/11/21/consumers-want-you-to-help-them-make-a-difference/?sh=63b431896954
- You may be able to address the fast growing expectation on environmentally-friendly, ethical and healthy alternatives. BBC – COVID-19 and sustainability. – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55630144
- You can drive financial outperformance. Oxford University – https://arabesque.com/research/From_the_stockholder_to_the_stakeholder_web.pdf
- You can uplift revenue of 5-20%, reduce cost by 9-16% and increase brand value by 15-30%. World Economic Forum – http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEFUSA_BeyondSupplyChains_Report2015.pdf
Is sustainability assessment possible by investing less than £1 per day i.e. £365 per year?
The answer is yes as well as no. We have various fixed priced céleste sustainability assessment, which ranges up to £99,000. So the céleste sustainability assessment investment depends on:
- What aspects of sustainability do you wish to assess and certify?
- Level (depth and breadth) of assessment and certification.
- Size of organization to be assessed and certified.
- Number of sites to be assessed and certified.
- Which sustainability assessment standard/framework do you wish to follow?
- How much time and resources can you dedicate?
- How fast you wish to get certified?
On the one hand it sounds expensive. On the other hand, we can support your sustainability assessment dream with an investment as little as £250 (only for small organisations with less than 25 employees), so the investment is less than £1 a day (less than a Starbucks/Costa tea/coffee)
Ideally, £250 investment should be compared with other investment decisions like buying an asset, computer, website enhancement, marketing, sales, etc. These investments are made with a hope to enhance brand visibility, brand image, enhance company credibility, develop business, attract new customers, become supplier of a Fortune 100 company, become a public sector supplier, etc.
Or you can compare this £250 investment with other essential business costs like utility bills, internet, local taxes, fuel, insurance, etc.
What is covered in a £250 céleste sustainability assessment?
- Social-Environmental-Ethical Assessment
- Desktop Assessment based on documents, video clips, website, social media, etc.
- Easily verifiable certificate.
- Free participation in our United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Workshop & Integration Coaching.
- Free information on free United Nations Sustainability courses & material
- Assessment performed by a sustainability analyst and a quality controller.
- Relatively better data security. Client can choose not to submit documents and videos online or by email to maintain their data security. In such case, client will have to provide a permanent password protected READ ONLY access to a folder with documents and videos. They will have to provide confirmation to not delete, add and edit any information in that folder.
- Each assessment price includes 5% contribution to sustainability training of at least one personnel, so you are promoting sustainability not only internally but also externally.
- If you meet at least 5 sustainability criteria then we can permit you to use our “céleste bronze/silver/gold/platinum/diamond” sub-logo on your website, advertisement, packaging, business cards, social media, etc.
Are you confused about selecting the right sustainability standard/audit/framework/guidance/assessment /methodology?
Navigating the constantly moving landscape of sustainability standards can be challenging. That’s where we can help, as we provide independent assessment of 500+ standards-audits-frameworks-methodologies-guidance-assessments specifically tailored for your company needs, culture, value and strategy. This will enable you to make informed decisions, better understand the sustainability initiatives landscape and connect with like-minded standards-audits-frameworks-methodologies-guidance-assessments.
You are about to invest thousands/millions during your lifetime. Have you consulted an expert who can do gap analysis for your chosen standard/audit/framework/guidance/assessment/methodology?
After selecting the right standards-audits-frameworks-methodologies-guidance-assessments, we can advise on the gap between your need and your selected standards-audits-frameworks-methodologies-guidance-assessments. We can help you address the gap yourself, or through us or through third party.
Do you prefer a customized sustainability assessment to match your organizational value, culture, need and strategy?
We can customize our sustainability framework céleste ©, which means heavenly in Latin. céleste © framework covers following aspects:
C – Cultural, Heritage & Values
E – Economic & Quality
L – Legal
E – Environmental
S – Social, Health & Safety
T – Technological
E – Ethical
Are you finding it difficult to match your sustainability expectations with currently available standard/audit/ framework/guidance/assessment/methodology?
- Some standards address environmental aspect perfectly.
- Some standards address social aspect perfectly.
- Some standards address ethical aspects perfectly.
- Some standard address GHG/carbon emission expectation perfectly.
- Some standard address Health & Safety criteria perfectly.
- Some standard address Circular Economy criteria perfectly.
- Some standard address Conflict Minerals criteria perfectly.
- Some standards address Annual Sustainability Reporting perfectly.
- Some standards address sustainable procurement perfectly.
- Some address sustainable supply chain perfectly.
So they are all perfect in their own field. We can support you to devise your own sustainability framework to meet your unique needs.
Is your procurement department confused about selecting the right sustainability/eco label product/service?
Just like standards, there are 500+ sustainability/eco label products and services. Each sustainability label product has their unique strengths. We can assess your needs, and provide independent advice.
What different aspects can céleste assessment cover?
- Social
- Environmental
- Ethics
- Health & Safety
- Governance
- Culture, Heritage & Values
- Technology
- Legal
- Economic
- Procurement
- Supply Chain
- Conflict Minerals
- UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
- USA Frank-Dodd Act 2010
- EU Conflict Mineral Regulation 2021
What are different levels (depth & breadth) of céleste assessment?
We have defined five levels of assessment based on the depth of assessment. This is to meet organizational needs.
- Bronze – Desktop Verification
- Silver – Desktop + Virtual Verification
- Gold – Extended Desktop + Extended Virtual Verification
- Platinum – Extended Desktop + Extended Virtual + Physical Verification
- Diamond – Extended Desktop + Extended Virtual + Physical + Surprise Virtual Verification + Surprise Physical Verification
Secondly, for Silver, we follow at least 2 data check point methodology. For Gold, Platinum & Diamond levels, we follow 3 data check point methodology, which may go up to 5 data check point methodology. This demonstrates the depth of the process.
Thirdly, for silver, we follow at least 2 criteria from policy, process and performance. For Gold, Platinum & Diamond levels, we check on all three criteria of policy, process and performance, which demonstrate the breadth of the process.
Does pricing depend on the size of the organization being assessed?
The answer is yes. Our organisation segregation is as follow:
• Micro – up to 10 employees
• Small – 11 to 100 employees
• Medium – 101 to 1000 employees
• Large – 1000+ employees
Sustainability Assessment Enquiry Form
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