We believe that the cost of learning, especially sustainability, should be free. The reason being, sustainability is for a better world, and so there should be lots of free resources available. “United Nations Guiding Principles On Business and Human Rights” (https://www.unglobalcompact.org/library/2) is our main basis of sustainability integration, assessment and reporting. So following are the learning resources link, and most of the resources are free to public.

There are 1000+ free courses from United Nations, so you need to be careful before selecting a course:

  1. Most of them are free; however it is worth a check.
  2. Many of them provide a certificate after a test, so if you are after certificate then please check before enrolling on that course.
  3. All of them are online, so you need to have an internet.
  4. Many of them are self-paced, so you can do course at your speed; however please check.
  5. Course duration starts from 2 hours, so try to select a course which fits your time commitment.
  6. All of them provide some knowledge about sustainability, so focus on your sustainability topics.
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United Nations Free Learning Courses & Resources About Various Sustainability Aspects:
