
Meaning of sustainability differs from one person to other person, and from one organization to other organization. For some organisations, sustainability means surviving. They are true in their sense, as they need to survive to avoid redundancies.

For other organisations, sustainability means some combination of following parameters:

  1. Social
  2. Environmental
  3. Ethical
  4. Economic

To our knowledge, the concept of sustainable development was firstly described by the 1987 Bruntland Commission Report, which was presented to United Nations. It means – development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainability standards have also seen a tremendous uptake. There are 500+ standards, audits, frameworks, methodologies, guidance, assessments, etc. Each offers an innovative framework for more inclusiveness in trade, and more respect of people and the environment. We think that all of these organisations have done a great job towards sustainable future, and we wish all of them to do well in future. Each standard, guidance, assessment, methodology, framework, audit, labels, etc have their own strengths and they are all perfect in their own ways.


céleste © Concept & Framework

ISO20400 Sustainable Procurement%E2%80%8B

ISO20400 - Sustainable Procurement


ISO37001 - Anti Bribery

social responsibility 1

ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility

environment management 1

ISO14001 – Environment Management

environment management 2

EMAS - EU Eco-Management & Audit Scheme


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

un global compact

United Nations Global Compact & Sustainability


United Nations - Business & International Human Rights


International Labor Organisation - ILO - Labour & Human Rights

world bank

World Bank & Sustainability


WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization


United Nations Environment Programme

SA8000 Social Accountability 1

SA8000 - Standard by Social Accountability International (SAI)

amfori BSCI

amfori BSCI - Business Social Compliance Initiative

amfori BEPI

amfori BEPI - Business Environmental Performance Initiative


SMETA - Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit

Ecovadis Sustainability%E2%80%8B

Ecovadis & Sustainability

Fairtrade Carbon Credits


Ethical Toy Program

ICTI - Ethical Toy Program

Initiative of Compliane Sustainability

ICS - Initiative of Compliane & Sustainability

Ethical Trade Initiative

ETI - Ethical Trade Initiative

Fair Labor Association%E2%80%8B

FLA - Fair Labor Association

GRI Standards

GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards

SASB Business Investors

SASB - Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

sustainability labels

Sustainability, Eco Labels & ISO14020-21-24-25-26-27

GHG Protocol

GHG Protocol & Sustainability

CDP Climate Change

CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Ellen MacArthur Foundation & Circular Economy

PACE Circular Economy

PACE - Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy

Conflict Minerals in EU USA

EU & US Law on Conflict Minerals

RMI Conflict Minerals

RMI - Responsible Minerals Initiative

DJSI Dow Jones

DJSI - Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Bloomberg SASB

Bloomberg SASB Sustainability Index